Define your space settings

Modified on Thu, 20 Mar at 12:54 PM

Once you’ve configured your Branding in the Space, click the Settings link in the left menu to adjust other essential parameters for your Space.


Here, you can view your Space's status and the number of days remaining before it expires. In this example, the Space is active and will expire in 322 days. While customers typically purchase annual subscriptions, multi-year licenses are also available.

Space Managers

In this view, you can see who else has the Space Manager role in your Space. As a Space Manager, you can add more managers. Remember that Space Managers have complete administrative control over the Space, so if you want to maintain oversight, it’s best to limit the number of managers you add to avoid management issues.


Here, you can set up the access mode of your Space.

The Private Space setting means that the Space is not visible to users in Explore / Spaces. In this type of Space membership, membership is possible only by invitation. If you choose this setting, you can go to the Member Invitation section in the Settings menu to define how to invite the members. 

There are two options for inviting users to your Space:

  1. Generate an invite link to share with the users you wish to invite.
  2. Assign one or more invitation badges. In this case, all Passport users who receive these badges will gain access to the Space.

(In the example above, both invitation links and invitation badges are available. If users have one of the badges selected here, they can access the Space. These two badges could also be set up as mandatory, meaning that users would need both badges to access the space. Notice that this setting is dynamic and can be modified if the requirements for accessing the Space change.)

A Controlled Space is visible to users in the Explore / Spaces section of the Passport, and users can request to access it. The Space admins are notified and have to process the pending requests to enable or deny access to their Space.

An Open Space is visible in the Explore/ Spaces section, and any user can join the Space.

Connect with Factory

Badges and badge applications used in a Space are not created within the Space itself but in a Pro-level Open Badge Factory account. Therefore, you must have an OBF Pro account and configure your account’s Client ID and Client Secret in the Space Connect with Factory section."

To make this connection, you must have Admin rights in the OBF account you want to connect. In OBF, go to the Admin tools / API section and click Generate a new client secret. Give a name to your new API connection (for example, the name of your Space), copy the Client ID, and paste it into the Space Client ID field opened in the Space. And do the same for the Client's secret and paste them into the form.

In OBF sideIn Space settings

(For security reasons, don’t share the Client ID and Client secret credentials).

Several OBF accounts can be connected to the same space, allowing several badge-issuing organizations to share it.

Once you successfully connect your account to your Space, all badges and badge applications available in the Factory account are accessible by default. However, if you prefer not to make all badges and applications available in your Space, use the Limit Badges setting to create a custom list of badges you want to include. To configure this, click on the name of the connected OBF account.

When connecting an OBF account to a Space, the admin can specify who is allowed to use the badges. Using the badges includes assigning permission to issue them within the Space and to assign badge applications to members, groups, or individual members.

Since multiple OBF accounts can be linked to a Space, this restriction ensures that OBF account admins retain control over who can use the badges created in their accounts.

You can connect several OBF accounts to your Space by clicking on New Connection in the view above.

Issuer whitelist

Issuer whitelist is a setting to filter badges that are displayed in the Community / Badges view. By default, the only issuer organization added to the whitelist is the connected Factory account's issuer organization. In this case, the Community / Badges view will display only member badges the connected Factory account issued. This issuer-based badge filtering solution is practical when you use your Space to manage a training program or other learning management activities, and you don’t want to see in your Space badges unrelated to your project. If, in your project, you value badges that some of your partner organizations may have issued to your Space members, you can add those issuers to your Space whitelist.

Member invitation

Here, you can create a link or select a key badge to grant users Members access to your Space. See instructions related to Membership settings.

Badge Applications

Badge Applications provides some settings to manage how badge applications should work in your Space. When a badge application is published (assigned or suggested to the Space members), applicants can apply for badges by clicking them in the Earn a Badge view (left menu) or in their dashboard. Reviewers can review badge applications in Review Applications, and applicants can track the history of their badge applications in the My Applications menu.

In the Settings / Badge Application section, you can set whether to display the applicant and reviewer names in the reviewer and applicant badge application views.

If Hide applicant information from badge applications is checked, the applicant’s name is hidden from the reviewer.
If Hide reviewer information from badge applications is checked, applicants will not see who has reviewed their applications. In addition, if Applicants can only apply once for each badge is checked, it will not be possible for applicants to apply several times to applications that have been submitted or reviewed.

Dashboard design

Here, you can edit the content of your dashboard. You can customize your Space dashboard by enabling or disabling the blocks you want to display or hide, as well as by changing their order.

The dashboard mode setting is the first element on the top of the dashboard editor. You can choose between the Community mode and the Project mode.

The Community mode (see screenshot below) offers a simplified dashboard view for customers who wish to provide their members with an overview of community activities without emphasizing task and achievement management. This mode is the default dashboard view. It also allows customers who used Spaces before the release of the second version to retain the 'legacy view' (previous Space start page view) without needing to modify any dashboard settings.

The Project mode (view screenshot below) is the right choice if:

  • Space members engaged in learning projects should be able to find their tasks easily.

  • Reviewers and managers need a clear dashboard view to efficiently manage their work and track their members' achievements.

Default language

You can set a default language for your Space. It will be used for all communications with members whose preferred language is unknown, including emails, notifications, and system messages.

Other Space settings

In this section, you can configure various Space settings:

  • You can grant all Passport users the ability to publish Minimaps outside of your Space (this option is off by default).

  • You have the option to hide the Passport’s Explore section from the top navigation menu.

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